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  • Where do you get your wood from?
    Each of the products that I make requires a different sort of wood, with variations in size, how dry it is, the species of timber and the properties of the timber. With these variations in mind, I keep my net spread wide to make sure that I have access to the best material available for the project ahead of me. For some projects, my local timber merchant is my go to for the materials I need. Other times if I need larger or more exotic wood then there a few UK based timber merchants that I choose. On top of that I'm always making connections with local tree surgeons and keeping in touch to see if there is locally sourced wood available too. In short, it depends!
  • Do you choose what to make and select the right piece of wood, or does the wood tell you what it wants to be?
    On the whole I have an idea of a piece or product that I wish to make and will carefully select a piece of wood that will allow me to achieve my vision. There are other times, where I acquire a piece of wood in an unusual size, or it has a particular feature to it that begs to be explored. When this occurs I allow myself time to explore the piece of wood and carefully shape it to maximise the characteristic of that particular piece of wood. Having said that, there are shapes and designs that work well and that are aesthetically pleasing. Form is my main focus, if a beautiful piece of wood happens to match the form that would work well, then that is a fantastic moment. However I won't sacrifice good design, shape and form, just because a particular piece of wood has a lovely grain pattern. Either I need to choose another piece of wood, or create the shape that I'm trying to bring to life.
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